Southcot Services Ltd

46 Tuffley Crescent
Gloucester GL1 5NE UK

+44 1452 423671
+44 7768 856937

Details of Changes

HTML or style changes are not tracked here; only changes that alter the meaning or intention of our legal documents. Note where items are numbered the number may have altered since this change. Changes in numbering will only be recorded if it altered the meaning or intention of the document.

Changes made on 25th July 2011 at 10:29 to Full General Terms and Conditions:

The following block of text was changed:

These terms are a necessary part of any transaction between us and our clients. They do not cover but imply is our commitment ...


These terms are a necessary part of any transaction between us and you, our client. They do not cover but imply our commitment ...

The following block of text was added:

ICANN has recently published a new document to educate and protect domain registrants by ensuring you understand your rights and responsibilities when it comes to your TLD:-
Registrant Rights and Responsibilities Under the 2009 Registrar Accreditation Agreement

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