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When I started the work experience placement at Southcot Services Ltd, I know that the placement is not like the others. At the start, I feel like it’s going to be some boring office work, but with Charlie and Cliff you didn’t have the opportunity to be bored. They always try make you busy.  They always try to give you the best work available there. They teach you, give you, the time and chance to learn something really cool.  I did lots of different things there; one of many was smashing things, which I really enjoyed. They let you answering the phone which is great, because it’s very good skill to have.  If you missing some skill from the IT environment, they will be sure that you get it. There were tons of funny moments, which never end. Overall the Southcot Services Ltd is the right placement for anyone who love computers, they are really good people, to know, I love working with them and I really recommend them for you too.

795 · July 15, 2011 · Musings · Tags: , · [Print]

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