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We have had a number of people experiencing a problem with Outlook when they upgrade to Windows 10. Typically they get the following error:-

Sending’ reported error (0x800CCC13) : ‘Cannot connect to the network. Verify your network connection or modem

At first this puzzled us as when we did a remote session with the customer it seemed that their PC/Laptop was able to connect to the relevant mail server without any problem at all. Well it seems that, bless their heart, Microsoft have a bug in their upgrade process and some of the system files required by Outlook are not updated. The solution is pretty straightforward, you need to run the “Windows System File Checker” (SFC). If you are of a technical bent and want to find out more about SFC see the Wikipedia article here. Here is the solution: note it is very unlikely that this procedure will result in the loss of any data; however wise owls back up their data regularly and really wise owls use a continuous back up system like our MinervaSafe product ( So:-

1: close all of the applications on your PC/Laptop.

2: click the Windows Start Button:-


3: in the search box at the bottom type “CMD” (it’s not case sensitive):-

Search menu options for CMD

… quite quickly the box above will populate. What comes up there will be different on each PC/Laptop. However at the top you ought to see the little black Icon with “CMD” after it. Don’t worry if the “(Admin)” bit isn’t showing or is different.

4: now RIGHT (not left) click on the top “CMD” icon and you will get a menu. Again this will change from machine to machine:-

Right click menu on CMD

5: now using the LEFT hand mouse button click on “Run as administrator”.

6: then hit return. You will have the “User Access Control” (UAC) confirmation box. Click “Yes”:-

User Access Control box

7: you now get a black box popping up on your screen. In the box type “sfc /scannow” (don’t type the quotes):-

Command prompt window

8: SFC will start to run:-

SFC running

… this could take up to an hour. Eventually you will see the message “Verification 100% complete”.

9. Reboot your computer. Make sure you do restart it and not put it into hibernation and then wake it up again. Outlook should now be working.

924 · September 8, 2015 · Help: General, Technical · · [Print]

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